TAC 2020 Priorities Workgroup Meeting — February 6, 2020
2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
1400 Tenth Street, Room 202
Sacramento, CA 95814
General Meeting Resources
Meeting Agenda and Materials
Item 1 | Welcome
Item 2 | Roll Call
Item 3 | 2020 Priorities
Background on concept of ICARP Report and overview of current vision, timeline, purpose of ICARP report, and objectives for today’s workgroup discussion.
Approve next steps and actions to implement topics and priorities discussed.
Item 4 | 2020 Meeting Calendar and Appointments
- Discussion of 2020 priorities and goals of ICARP, including how the TAC’s vision, values and purpose are best reflected and implemented to advance California’s work on climate adaptation and resilience
Item 5 | General Public Comment
Item 6 | Meeting Adjourned
Additional Meeting Locations
San Francisco City Hall
Office of Resilience and Capital Planning, Rm 347
1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
City of Concord
1950 Parkside Drive
Permit Center Conference Room
Concord, CA 94519
City of Arcata
City Hall, Community Development Department,
736 F Street
Arcata, CA 95521
LAC Department of Public Health Environmental Health Headquarters
5050 Commerce Drive
Room 215
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
LA Cleantech Incubator
525 South Hewitt Street
Room 108
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Town of Mammoth Lakes Offices
437 Old Mammoth Road
Suite 230
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Blue Lake Rancheria Tribal Government Office
428 Chartin Road
Tribal Library
Blue Lake, CA 95525
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
MESOM Building, Room 227
8880 Biological Grade
La Jolla, CA 92037
The Greenlining Institute
360 14th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
Meeting Information
All times indicated and the order of business are approximated and subject to change. Public comment is taken on each agenda item as well as at the end of the meeting. If you wish to give comment, please notify the webinar moderator. Prior to making your comments, please state your name for the record and identify any group or organization you represent. Depending on the number of individuals wishing to address the council, the Chair may establish specific time limits on presentations. Due to technical limitations, this meeting will not be recorded.
The meeting agenda and accompanying action item materials will be posted on our website 10 calendar days prior to the meeting. To receive future notices for the Council meetings please sign up for the ICARP list serve.
The meeting location(s) are accessible to people with disabilities. Any person who requires special assistance to participate in the meeting, or wishes to request this notice or other meeting materials in an alternative format, requires translation services, or needs any disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, which would enable that person to participate at the meeting must make that request at least 7 days prior to the meeting date by contacting: Jennifer.phillips@opr.ca.gov or (916) 327-0182.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Phillips at the Office of Planning and Research, 1400 Tenth Street, Sacramento, California 95814, Jennifer.phillips@opr.ca.gov or (916) 327-0182.