California is already experiencing record climate impacts, and as emphasized by the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, the impacts of climate change are occurring sooner than expected, resulting in an immediate need for transformational adaptation. The Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP) is a critical driver of California’s strategy and leadership on climate adaptation and resilience. ICARP advances a cohesive and holistic response to the impacts of climate change by coordinating State, regional, and local adaptation efforts to support comprehensive planning and accelerate implementation.
As we collectively celebrate the Earth this month, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research is pleased to release the 2020–2021 ICARP Impact Report that describes the core components of the State’s framework for climate adaptation and ICARP’s work to coordinate and align state, regional, and local resilience efforts.
Download 2020–2021 ICARP Impact Report
The report provides an overview of ICARP’s vision and principles, mechanisms for achieving its mission, and the priorities that guide the program’s efforts. The Impact Report includes the program’s key accomplishments from 2020 and 2021, 2022 work plan, community project examples from across the state, and other highlights. The ICARP Impact Report describes how the State is responding to the onset and acceleration of climate impacts, and the resources and services available to support readers' adaptation and resiliency efforts across the state.
Contact: Sloane Viola