Military Affairs
Military Services Coordination
The US military plays an important role in California. The Department of Defense stewards approximately ten percent of California’s land, military operations and personnel contribute billions of dollars to California’s economy, and military bases and airspace provide an integrated network of training assets critical to our national security that cannot be replicated or replaced.
OPR is working to improve communication and encourage collaboration between local governments and the US military on land use planning and development issues in California. The OPR Military Affairs Team works closely with all branches of the military on areas of mutual concern and priority including land use planning, regulatory activities by state agencies, and statewide energy policies.
Land Use
OPR works with active military installations and local communities in California to reduce potential land-use conflicts through early coordination and development notification. This function enables appropriate growth, local economic vitality, and public health and safety while safeguarding ongoing military training and military readiness. The Military Affairs Team develops partnerships and provide tools, staff support, mapping capability, and information to local governments to assist in development, adoption, and implementation of local polices and ordinances.
In addition to early coordination, and notification of proposed new development, OPR works with the Military and local land use agencies to incorporate provisions into city and county General Plans and implementing ordinances to establish project review and permitting procedures that foster land uses that are compatible with military operations.
Regulatory Activities
OPR and the military work cooperatively to ensure that active military installations are able to comply with state regulations, and that regulators understand the potential impacts of their actions on military activities. OPR also provides implementation support to regulatory agencies developing new programs or rules that might impact the military
California Government Code section 65040.7 requires OPR to serve as a liaison to coordinate effective inclusion of the military in the development and implementation of state energy and environmental policy. OPR and other state agencies actively partner with the military to advance state energy and environmental policies, including the expansion of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects on land managed by the military. The program seeks to balance and integrate California’s goals for renewable energy development and natural resources protection with the mission of the military in California.
Governor's Military Council
The Governor’s Military Council was created by California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. on March 28, 2013. The Council was codified into law through 2021 with the signing of AB 442 (Irwin-2015) and extended through 2026 with AB 2192 (Irwin-2020). The current Chair of the Council is Vice Admiral Jody Breckenridge, USCG (ret.).
The California Governor’s Military Council – comprised of retired flag and general officers, civic leaders, bipartisan state legislators and senior policymakers – helps position California to maintain and grow military operations in the state, providing insight and recommendations to state leaders who are developing a strategy to support and grow military operations in the Golden State. As federal leaders consider cuts and realignment of federal military operations, the Council also articulates the unique military value of California’s diverse network of installations, and of the Californians and businesses that support them. The Council also supports the efforts of local and regional organizations to improve partnerships with military installations in their communities. More information can be found on the Council’s website:
Land Use Compatibility
California Government Code sections 65302 and 65560 identifies specific requirements for local governments to consider the impact of development on military readiness activities when preparing or updating their general plan. The intention of the law is to encourage cooperation between military installations and local communities to reduce land use conflicts between civilian development and military readiness activities. SB 1468 identifies specific requirements about when and where local governments must incorporate military readiness activities into the general plan.
California Government Code sections 65352, 65404, 65940, and 65944 require public agencies to notify the military of certain local planning proposals and development permit applications. The intent of these requirements is to create a local notification process which informs the military of certain local land use proposals in an effort to prevent land use conflicts between local communities and military installations and training activities.
Senate Bill 242 (SB 242, Roth, Chapter 142, Statutes of 2019) makes changes to these notification requirements that clarify and streamline military notification for proposed development and land-use changes around military operations. Please contact OPR’s Military Affairs Team with any questions about current state requirements and the military notification process.
The California Military Land Use Compatibility Analyst (CMLUCA) is a mapping tool developed by OPR that local governments and developers can use to identify whether proposed planning projects are located in the vicinity of military bases, military training areas, or military airspace. This mapping tool helps local governments and developers comply with state law, which requires the military to be notified of certain development applications and general plan actions.
California Government Code section 65040.9 directs OPR to prepare and publish an advisory handbook that explains how to reduce land use conflicts with military installations and activities. The California Advisory Handbook for Community and Military Compatibility Planning contains information on planning documents and processes of local governments and installations and provides specific information about the types of planning tools available for achieving compatible land use.
California state law outlines how cities and counties must consider the impact of development on military readiness activities when preparing or updating their general plan. The Community and Military Compatibility Planning Supplement to the General Plan Guidelines provides recommendations on how to comply with, and implement these laws.
The Community and Military Compatibility Planning Supplement to the General Plan Guidelines is currently under development to become compliant with state accessibility requirements. Please contact us for the 2009 version of the Military Supplement.
Current Projects
The California Advanced Supply Chain Analysis and Diversification Effort (CASCADE) is an initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Defense to bolster California's defense supply chain cybersecurity resilience through technical assistance programs, and to support the growth and sustainment of California's Cybersecurity workforce through cybersecurity-related education curricula, training, and apprenticeship programs. Activities include: Guidance on Cyber Provider Services; Cybersecurity Resilience Workshops; Cybersecurity Baseline Compliance Evaluations, Implementation & Execution; Cybersecurity for Space Systems; Cyber Career Commercial Pathways; Defense Workforce Cybersecurity Skills Upgrading; Cybersecurity Internships/Externships with DoD SBIR/STTR Firms and Cybersecurity Apprenticeships and Job Placements.
Designated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment as a Defense Manufacturing Community, the California Advanced Defense Ecosystems & National Consortia Effort (CADENCE) aims to strengthen the resiliency of the national security innovation and manufacturing base through technical and workforce development assistance to California suppliers in defense innovation and manufacturing who are involved in the advancement of specific national security key technologies or supply chains (KTS) including microelectronics, fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology, cyber, space, artificial intelligence, and fully networked command, control and communications (FNC3). By doing this, CADENCE aims to support critical manufacturing sectors that provide key resources to the American warfighter and to commercial innovation; address DoD’s modernization priorities, key policies, guidance and directives; and help maintain the national security manufacturing sector as one of the largest economic drivers in the State of California. CADENCE includes 15 project components executed by a consortium comprised of community, industry, non-profit, state agencies, and educational institutions.
The California Military Energy Opportunity Compatibility Assessment Mapping Project (CaMEO CAMP) is funded by the U.S. Department of Defense to promote compatible siting of renewable energy projects to prevent adverse impacts to DoD’s test, training and military operations and achieve shared state and federal goals. The CaMEO CAMP is being managed by the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, in collaboration with the California Energy Commission.
The overall goal of the CaMEO CAMP is to better understand the potential for renewable energy development and associated facilities within operational military influence areas in order to proactively define where appropriate early consultation with the Department of Defense (DoD) should occur, and also to enable that coordination through an easy to use process and tool.
National Security Economic Impacts Study
OPR and the Governor’s Military Council lead the California National Security Economic Impacts Study to develop more precise data on the scale of national security spending that impact California communities and industries. The goal of the study is to support communities that defense program changes impact by developing strategies for local communities’ adjustment and cooperation. The study aims to provide Federal, State, and local policy makers with the downscaled data they need to better integrate and coordinate defense spending and other Federal assistance programs to support their economic development efforts.. The California State Library California Research Bureau works with OPR and the Governor’s Military Council to complete the study.
- 2024 California Statewide National Security Economic Impacts
- Congressional Districts Supplement
- County Supplement
Past Studies
- 2021 Statewide Report
- Congressional Districts Supplement
- Congressional Districts Factsheets
- Congressional Districts Regional Factbooks
- County Supplement
- County Factsheets
- County Regional Factbooks
- 2020 California Statewide National Security Economic Impacts
- 2020 Counties Supplement California Statewide National Security Economic Impacts
- 2020 County Factsheets
- Interactive data tool is available here: Tableau Economic Impacts Interactive Report Tool
Past Projects
Sierra Army Depot Resilience Review Project
The Sierra Army Depot Resilience Review Project (SIAD RRP) was an initiative partially funded by the U.S. Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC) to protect and preserve military readiness and defense capabilities of the Sierra Army Depot (SIAD) while supporting continued economic development of the surrounding communities. The geography of Northern California enables SIAD’s mission, makes SIAD a critical installation for the U.S. Army, and allows SIAD to provide unique support to Joint Force multi-domain operations. SIAD is also the main economic engine of the Lassen region. The Project supported installation sustainability at SIAD through investments in a series of technical assistance, research and analysis, collaborator engagement, and knowledge-sharing project components. Overall, the Project provided infrastructure owners and decision makers with a framework and collaborative approach to making decisions on the best means to implement activities that respond to threats to SIAD’s resilience which can adversely affect the military installation and its operations supporting the National Defense Strategy.
OPR’s Military Affairs Team
Eileen Sánchez
Director of Military Affairs
Allison Henderson
Policy Advisor, Governor’s Military Council