TAC Quarterly Meeting – June 26, 2020

Due to the continuing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, the Office of Planning and Research is hosting this working group meeting virtually.

10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

General Meeting Resources

Meeting Agenda and Materials

Item 1 | Welcome & Roll Call

Item 2 | Approval of draft meeting minutes (04/22/20 and 04/24/20)


Review of draft meeting minutes from 4/22/20 and 4/24/20 meetings


Voting to approve draft meeting minutes from April 22, 2020 meeting and April 24, 2020 meeting

Item 3 | Wildfire, Housing, and Integrated Planning

  1. OPR and HCD staff will provide an overview of local housing policies, and updates to state wildfire and climate risk planning guidance and guidelines
  2. Discussion on planning, housing, and land use tools and policy levers and their role in supporting climate resilience and adaptation at the local level

Item 4 | ICARP TAC Workgroup Updates

  1. OPR staff will provide an update on ICARP TAC workgroup activities on resilience metrics and insurance and seek feedback on progress to date and next steps
  2. Discussion on how workgroup activities advance core elements of the ICARP TAC 2020 workplan and other questions to consider in the remainder of the calendar year on these topics

Voting on any actions to implement topics presented and discussed

Item 5 | Adaptation Clearinghouse Updates and ICARP Communications Strategy

  1. OPR staff will provide an overview on structural changes and enhancements to the Adaptation Clearinghouse, including the integration of the Adaptation Planning Guide in the Adaptation Clearinghouse
  2. Discussion on ICARP’s draft communications strategy and opportunities to elevate the program’s visibility and effectiveness

Item 6 | Strategic Growth Council’s Community Assistance for Climate Equity Program

  1. Strategic Growth Council (SGC) staff will provide an overview of the Community Assistance for Climate Equity Program and seek feedback on the work and goals ahead
  2. Discussion on opportunities to explore a greater collaboration between ICARP and CACE

Item 7 | General Public Comment

Item 8 | Closing, Future Agenda Items, and Meeting Adjourned

Meeting Information

All times indicated and the order of business are approximated and subject to change. Public comment is taken on each agenda item as well as at the end of the meeting. If you wish to give comment, please notify the webinar moderator. Prior to making your comments, please state your name for the record and identify any group or organization you represent. Depending on the number of individuals wishing to address the council, the Chair may establish specific time limits on presentations. Due to technical limitations, this meeting will not be recorded.

The meeting agenda and accompanying action item materials will be posted on our website 10 calendar days prior to the meeting. To receive future notices for the Council meetings please sign up for the ICARP list serve.

The meeting location(s) are accessible to people with disabilities. Any person who requires special assistance to participate in the meeting, or wishes to request this notice or other meeting materials in an alternative format, requires translation services, or needs any disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, which would enable that person to participate at the meeting must make that request at least 7 days prior to the meeting date by contacting: Jennifer.phillips@opr.ca.gov or (916) 327-0182.

For more information, please contact Jennifer Phillips at the Office of Planning and Research, 1400 Tenth Street, Sacramento, California 95814, Jennifer.phillips@opr.ca.gov or (916) 327-0182.